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Delegate Charles Otto Shows Up to Maryland Department of Transportation Meeting Intoxicated

On September 30, 2021 the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) held a meeting to present transportation solutions in Wicomico County. Among attendees were senators and delegates from the Lower Shore Delegation. Delegate Charles Otto took the floor to address some concerns, which lacked any meaningful purpose as the sluggish words and laughter came about. The senators and Delegate Hartman chuckled with mixed emotions of both embarrassment and humiliation for Otto, as Otto broadcasted his breath that told the tale. Otto then goes on a personal rant before the MDOT representatives to complain about branch operations. He then insist that his brother did not let his motorcycle insurance policy lapse, and it's the MDOT's fault that the registration wasn't renewed due to their flawed computer system. Totally inappropriate in this setting. Delegate Wayne Hartman eventually took the microphone from Otto as to say: "you're cut off." Meanwhile, Otto's phone rings and he cannot figure out how to turn it off.

Of all places to be intoxicated - a Maryland Department of Transportation meeting. To top it all off, he drove there. This is not the first time. Delegate Otto has been found driving to events intoxicated on numerous occasions. Yet, he has ignored people that have taken him aside to express their concerns with him. He still continues to put others at risk including himself. How can a delegate oversee the needs of the citizens when he cannot even take care of himself? A person that lacks self control and puts others in danger is is not the type of person we need in office. Charles Otto needs to step down immediately. We hope that people put their name in the hat in 2022 to replace him.

-Inspector General



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