2 min

Amber Green of The Fenix Youth Project: Activist or Anarchist?

November 13, 2021

Amber Green of the Fenix Youth Project has been given taxpayer dollars to work as a Youth Development Specialist in Wicomico County and uses these funds to promote the black liberation movement, social injustice and anti-racism. The City of Salisbury, Wicomico County, Wicomico County Public Schools and Worcester County Public Schools have supported her efforts under the guise of community engagement, art, poetry and providing homeless services to the youth. Her agenda is to lure and exploit vulnerable youth by addressing their short-term needs and to convert them into loyal social justice activists to propagate the cult of anti-racism, which is racism. This is meant to segregate people into classes based on their skin color and to label them in one of two categories: the "oppressor" (Caucasians) and the "oppressed" (non-Caucasian). Her objective is to propagate such hateful doctrines designed to undermine society, which includes law and order, municipalities, schools, culture, family, and religious values, as all of these are considered to be the foundation of "systemic racism." The practice to lawlessly disrupt, intimidate, and create anarchy is praised.

This is a condensed message of what Amber Green, Director of the Fenix Youth Project has to say to Wicomico and Worcester municipalities, City of Salisbury municipalities, the school system, other non-profits and the citizens if she does not receive funding for her agenda and on her terms. This is extortion:

The entire 42 minute video can be found here so there is no mincing of words:


Examples of municipal partnerships:

It is confirmed that the City of Salisbury, Wicomico County and Wicomico County Public Schools and Worcester County Public Schools (see above) have partnered with Amber Green and the Fenix Youth Project to work with our youth through taxpayer dollars, use of facilities, referrals for service, co-sponsored participation, endorsed programs, and community events. There's a Wicomico County check hanging on the wall in the background of the video. The City of Salisbury, Wicomico County, Wicomico County Public Schools and Worcester County Public Schools may want to reconsider their funding, support, endorsement and partnership with Amber Green, including her participation with a municipal committee or task force. Municipalities supporting and funding Anarchist Extremism with taxpayer resources are not ways to create unity and equality in a community, but rather division. We need positive role models to work with our youth.
